Thy Will Be Done August 21, 2016 Series: The Heidelberg Catechism Pastor/Teacher: Gary L. W. Johnson Text: Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 Sermon Notes
The Kingdom Come August 14, 2016 Series: The Heidelberg Catechism Pastor/Teacher: Gary L. W. Johnson Text: Acts 1:6-11; 2 Thess. 1:6-10; 2 Peter 3:3-4 Sermon Notes
The Lord’s Prayer: The Second Petition August 7, 2016 Series: The Heidelberg Catechism Pastor/Teacher: Gary L. W. Johnson Text: Matthew 6:10 Sermon Notes
The Lord’s Prayer: The First Petition July 31, 2016 Series: The Heidelberg Catechism Pastor/Teacher: Gary L. W. Johnson Text: Matthew 6:9; John 17 Sermon Notes
The Lord’s Prayer: Some Important Observations July 24, 2016 Series: The Heidelberg Catechism Pastor/Teacher: Gary L. W. Johnson Text: Matthew 6:1-13 Sermon Notes